The following graphics are required to build your app:

Images must be 24-bit PNG formatted images (not interlaced)

Images should be 72 dpi

Do not use transparency unless noted

iPhone graphics:

Must not have drop shadows, rounded corners or shine/gloss effects.

Apple specifically require:

Icons have 90 degree corners (no rounded corners)

Icons do not include a drop shadow

Icons do not have any shine or gloss (unless no shine or gloss is desired)

Icons do not use alpha transparency

In addition, good guidelines are:

Do not include the app name (product name) in the icon as text (it's always present under the icon)

Ensure art and any text is crisp and legible at all sizes

Shine, gloss and rounded corners on Android:

Apple add these automatically but they are not added for Android versions. These must be added manually by a designer prior to app submission if rounded corners and/or gloss is desired.

One App Icon - this cannot be changed once your app is submitted

Android icon: 512 X 512 pixels

iOS store icon: 1024 X 1024 pixels

Xa26yiP6wHVjA0pyjKOHPpu4B3iXAupSdA.png     bj5vssjQixacy-yWhxKOhhbjdILJ4ZdZ4g.png     v_LhUzS7AREWTJJRy0kQu8TzAxr3uDdm8Q.png

Launch images - (splash images) - these cannot be changed once your app is submitted

Google Play Header: 1024 X 500 pixels

9hiuXsPKm6o2lVt_I0E3RISXwL__48DRng.png     y1FT1J_Ne1rKxArncWXJ4gLNB1QUOdEcMA.png     xNJm-fbt0t6G26QA8XBZGlxtk2uCNMbNPg.png 

iPhone 4: 640 x 960 pixels

iPhone 5: 640 x 1136 pixels

iPhone 6: 1242 x 2208 pixels

iPad portrait: 1536 x 2048

iPad landscape: 2048 x 1536

CAmY22Isj4ia0Ibi34XjtS_d6eaRxE9zMA.png     dYgB4eEfMTSNEP7W03FNxa4rWSmjEkOAMg.png     RVK-QuQsHi_z6lgOgczPKxjUZxkW6oDZ9A.png

Apple advise not to use the launch image as an "app entry experience" or "splash image". Their recommendation is the launch image should look like the first screen of the app.

Event Icon - this can be changed once apps are submitted, but we require it to be inserted so that we can take screenshots for the stores.

120 x 120 pixels - PNG

Re use your app icon (same dimensions and should be same image). Used for push notifications/in event feed for producer messages.

If your app is a multi-event app, you can have different event icons for each event. For the app store submission, we only need one event icon to create sample screenshots that make up part of the description of the apps in the store.

jrrmPfvlM_tFfpTozMtmeOp0Pq6lzAVINQ.png     xJXiu7OQfL_fC62Q_JVHomF028w9IF6mlQ.png     3HE8mVQV9B8A0Lryy5jOBeaI3N6TnfijOQ.png    

Event Poster - this can be changed once apps are submitted, but we require it to be inserted so that we can take screenshots for the stores.

640 x 744 pixels - PNG

Orientation: Portrait

The Poster is the event home screen – the first thing people see when they’ve logged in.

OcJKRVdOi-lxCAEoe_w17it6ATI8RtcFYQ.jpg     RdKcpQrplDarLelAoLJAq0rsMV2q5QW-Bw.png     t9uk9qhEAsTRvtQYCfdLaoyAwsKUlMP_cg.png