There is a sweet spot at the beginning of any event to grab the attention of attendees. This is typically as they are arriving and getting sorted for the day; registering, getting badged, finding out what the wifi password is, grabbing a coffee, meeting up with old friends AND downloading the app. 

For best results, make the latter as easy as possible: Here are some of the tips we recommend to ensure you get great uptake on the morning of your event.

Give prominence to the download flyer that our team supplies you with:

  • include in all digital screen displays around the event.
  • print copies to be handed out as people register.
  • include (in a prominent position) within the conference handbook.
  • insert into exhibitor show bags.

Utilize the presence of your onsite staff:
We provide briefing notes and FAQs for your team at registration and elsewhere around the event. Having your on-site staff who know how people can download the app and answer the questions they are likely to be asked is a key part of being able to meet or exceeding your app engagement targets.

Incentivize your attendees to download by offering a sponsored prize

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You can use the barcode scanner in the app for these competitions — it’s a great way for delegates to engage with exhibitors as well as offering them the option to enter prize draws.

Pushed for numbers on the ground to help with this? Get in touch with our support team and discuss getting a ShowGizmo App Concierge to your event.